Asian giant hornet By Admin - Juni 30, 2018 src: The Asian giant hornet ( Vespa mandarinia ), including the subspecies Japanese giant hornet ( V. m. japonica ), colloquial...
Jargon aphasia By Admin - Juni 30, 2018 src: Jargon aphasia is a type of fluent aphasia in which an individual's speech is incomprehensible, b...
Russell's teapot By Admin - Juni 30, 2018 src: Russell's teapot is an analogy, formulated by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), to illustrate tha...
Peanut sauce By Admin - Juni 30, 2018 src: Peanut sauce , satay sauce , bumbu kacang , sambal kacang , or pecel is a sauce made from ground roasted...
History of East Asia By Admin - Juni 30, 2018 src: The History of East Asia covers the people inhabiting the eastern subregion of the Asian continent known as East Asia from...